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Separation – what will it look like?

If there’s one thing I learned as a family lawyer its this – every separation is different.  This applies both to what the end result of the separation looks like (ie. what do we both end up with at the end) and what the process of the separation looks like...

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“It’s Time” for No Fault Divorce and the Family Law Act

My colleagues will be surprised I’m writing about Gough Whitlam but as politicians go he’s pretty universally appreciated and one reason for that is the Family Law Act. 

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Why all mediation is not created equal and why that matters to you

Mediation is where a neutral third person assists people to reach agreement over an issue in dispute. The aims and procedures used by mediators vary. At its core mediation should be; consent based; voluntary; confidential. There are two main styles of mediation. They are ‘case settlement’ mediation and ‘interest based’...

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ACT Young Lawyer of the Year

Congratulations to our very own Jessica Kennedy – 2014 ACT Young Lawyer of the Year. In 2013, Jess obtained her Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Canberra. Her Thesis examines the changes made by the Australian Capital Territory Sexual and Violent Offences Legislation Amendment Act 2008 which...

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No parents rights

When families are together, children usually get to see their parents every day. It’s when families separate that the children end up feeling unsure about when they will next see the other parent who they don’t live with. It’s always best for separated parents to agree on the time the...

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Can I get an annulment?

This is a question that is regularly asked in family law. “I married my wife with the understanding that we were going to live together happily ever after, but then she ran off with Julio. Can I get our marriage annulled?” First of all, you need to appreciate that we...

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Baby Gammy and the Surrogacy Arrangement

The recent story of Baby Gammy and the surrogacy arrangement two Australian parents had with a Thai Surrogate has certainly generated discussion about surrogacy and the law that surrounds it. Over the last week, I have heard people ask: “Isn’t surrogacy illegal in Australia?”, ”Don’t the parents have a legal...

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Can I move away with my children?

This week I put the question out there to my family and friends – what family law topic do people want to hear about? I had some interesting replies, but one of the serious ones was whether a parent can move towns or states with their children if they have...

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Do I Have the Right to See My Children?

As someone who attends the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court on a regular basis, I often hear parents say to the Court “I have a right to see my children.” You may think this might be commonsense, that parents have the right to see their children, but in fact,...

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But what about the dog…?

This may seem like a trivial question for some, however, it is a question that often has to be asked when people are separating.Most couples are able to come to an agreement about where their dog, cat, or goldfish will go, but sometimes there is a disagreement about where a...

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7 Things you don’t get taught at law school

1. It’s not about the law – it’s about the people. Most of the day is spent dealing with people; clients, colleagues, the other side, experts and judges. Of course you have to know the law, but it’s how you handle the people that makes the difference between a good...

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Family Violence Hurts Everyone

If your partner smashed a plate on the floor would you think that was Family Violence? Would your answer change if they did it once or if it started happening on a regular basis? If your partner told you your family is not allowed to visit your home, would you think that...

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