Family Law Specialists – Canberra, Melbourne & Sydney.

Separation and dealing with family law questions can be a stressful experience so we try to make a hard thing to do easier. We’re tough, we’re expert but most of all we treat our clients as individuals. This philosophy is in everything we do. Don’t like letters? We won’t write to you. Don’t like coming in for meetings? We’ll talk on the phone or email.

If you do come to visit us you’ll see our office is not designed like a law firm – it’s designed like a home. It’s a space where our clients feel comfortable and calm and that encourages our lawyers to focus on what matters; the clients, not the size of their office. Because apart from this website, it’s about you, not about us.

Family Law Services

We understand that separation and post separation parenting can a be traumatic and unsettling experience for everyone in the family. While we were confident that we provide exceptional legal service and advice, we wanted to connect with our clients on a more personal level, to deepen our understanding of them and their families and cater for their needs in a more complete way.

Going to court can be a very stressful and emotionally exhausting process. A mediation has the benefit of being less formal and more relaxed than a court appearance. Find out more.

Our firm specialises in collaborative law which is a process available to resolve family law matters and keep the parties out of Court. Each client is represented by his or her lawyer through a series of meetings. It also allows the parties to structure more flexible solutions.

If you are in fear of domestic violence, an application for an order can be made by you or on your behalf by a police officer. That order is known as a Family Violence Order (ACT), Intervention Order (VIC), Apprehended Violence Order (NSW).

Our mediation and Settle by Sunday team can provide for the inclusion of children as a part of the process. This is called Child Inclusive Practice (CIP).

Superannuation is now treated as ‘property’ and can be split as part of a property settlement. De facto and same-sex couples can also use the Family Law Act to divide super.

We would like to introduce you a process which we call Settle by Sunday. The concept is simple — a separated couple base themselves at the same hotel for a full weekend along with the people they need to negotiate their divorce settlement. All you need to do is be ready to negotiate an outcome; you will be supported by your lawyer, and other professionals to get there.

If you have separated, or are thinking about separation, talk to FGD. You do not need to sign anything, or do anything official to be separated in Australia.

If you would like to apply for a divorce and your separation is relatively straightforward you may be able to apply using a divorce kit.

Under the Family Law Act, a de facto relationship can be found to exist when a couple has a relationship and lives together on a “genuine domestic basis”. A couple who are same sex or opposite sex are included in the definition of a de facto relationship.

Same sex marriage became legal in Australia in 2017 following the commencement of the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017. Same sex couples who are recognised as de facto couples still have largely the same rights and obligations in family law matters as married couples.

At Farrar Gesini Dunn we recognise the unique barriers that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer ('LGBTIQ') community face when navigating the legal system.

Separated couples can reach a property settlement inside or outside of court depending on the circumstances.

What is the difference between Financial Agreements, Consent Orders and an Informal Agreements in Family Law?

Cryptocurrency can easily be categorised within the items that are meant to be disclosed, so parties have an obligation to provide information and documents about any cryptocurrency they have.

If you and your de facto partner or your spouse have separated (whether recently or some time ago), it is important to finalise your financial relationship. This page outlines some frequently asked questions in relation to Consent Orders for property settlements.

There are a number of reasons why adoption may be in the best interests of a child. These include if a child is no longer able to live with their birth family due to family, social or medical reasons or if a child is living in a blended family and the parents and child wish to formalise their relationship.

Spousal maintenance is the responsibility of one party to financially support the other party following the breakdown of their relationship.

‘Child custody’ is a term which is still widely used by the public for a child’s (or children’s) living arrangements and care arrangements.

Child Support is assessed using a formula based on each party’s taxable income, the time the children live with each of them, the children’s ages, and whether either party has other children.

If you have recently separated from your partner and are considering making parenting arrangements for your child or children, it may be useful to be aware of the information presented on this page.

The premise behind Binding Financial Agreements (sometimes known as Prenups) is for both parties to reach an agreement about what will happen to their assets if they separate in the future.

Arbitration is a dispute resolution pathway in the family law world. It essentially involves the parties agreeing to appoint an independent lawyer to act in the role of the judge and make a binding determination on issues in dispute.

Surrogacy is an arrangement whereby a commissioning parent or couple (also referred to as “the intending parent(s)” or “substitute parent(s)”) enter into an arrangement with a woman (the “surrogate mother” or the “birth mother”).

Alternative Dispute resolution is the process of resolving disputes between parties. The different types of dispute resolution include family dispute resolution (FDR), collaborative law, conciliation, mediation, arbitration, negotiation and litigation (court proceedings).

Expert advice from a family law firm experienced with international family law disputes.

Usually the matters falling within the description of family law litigation are disputes about parenting arrangements, property settlement, spouse maintenance, child support or some combination of those.

Generate a personalised letter on what you should consider during separation.

Get the best advice, FGD is a top-tier Australian family law firm.

Looking for a family law expert who does things differently?

Get in touch today

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FGD Welcomes Victoria Kilby and Tim Gough to the Directorship

We are excited to announce the appointment of Victoria (Tori) Kilby & Tim Gough to the FGD Directorship. Joining our current Directors Sarah & Frank in Melbourne, Tori & Tim bring a wealth of knowledge and experience and have an innovative approach to Family Law. Their combined leadership will ensure we continue to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

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Tax Risks in Family Law Settlements – Exemptions from Stamp duty and Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

Family Law property orders can attract exemptions from stamp duty, Capital Gains Tax (CGT), and other taxes and duties, provided they are carefully drafted, satisfy the relevant taxation laws, and importantly, are strictly complied with. Failing to comply with the precise terms of the Family Law orders can result in…

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Rainbow Families and Diverse Parenting Structures – Best Interests of the Child (Martine & Carmona [2024])

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Pre-nup or Pre-yup? Things to Think About if You Are Considering Getting a Binding Financial Agreement or “Pre-nup”

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