Modern Lawyer
When it comes to estate litigation matters, Jess is capable as both a strategist and a tactician. Having also operated in probate and administration for her whole professional career, Jess manages disputes to both engineer the most commercial and meaningful outcomes for clients and ensure that these ideal outcomes can practically take effect. Jess is passionate about guiding her clients throughout the whole litigation experience, from providing initial advice to carrying out any final work following the finalisation of a dispute.
What Jess is particularly passionate about is helping her clients without losing sight of what their objectives might also be from a non-legal perspective. Jess appreciates that for most clients, many of their goals may not necessarily be legal, and she is committed to helping clients differentiate those outcomes and find tailored solutions to both, where available.
Jess is also a big proponent of a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. Jess has a developed understanding of both property and tax law which assists clients in understanding how certain outcomes may affect their financial positions in both the short- and long-term, both in estate planning and in dispute resolution.
Real Person
Unlike some of her colleagues, Jess does not have a cat, so she enjoys most of her days not having an allergic reaction to one. Jess is our resident movie buff—she can and will talk about movies for hours if you dare to start that conversation (this is not intended as a threat). Just like how she approaches her work, Jess is a meticulous planner and will always have a detailed itinerary for every holiday, whether it’s for travelling to the coast or Europe.